Home China Xi, Vucic sign joint statement on building China-Serbia community with shared future

Xi, Vucic sign joint statement on building China-Serbia community with shared future

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BELGRADE: Chinese President Xi Jinping and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday signed a joint statement on the building of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era, making Serbia the first European country to build such a community with China.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday held talks in Belgrade.

Thanking Vucic and the Serbian government for their hospitality and thoughtful arrangements, Xi said the ironclad friendship between China and Serbia has withstood the test of international vicissitudes and features a profound historical heritage, a solid political foundation and extensive common interests.

Xi said under President Vucic’s leadership, Serbia has achieved rapid economic development and its people’s standard of living has continued to improve.

Serbia has always upheld independence and resolutely safeguarded its national sovereignty, territorial integrity and national dignity when facing complex external environments and various challenges, winning widespread respect from the international community, he said.

Xi said he and President Vucic have met multiple times in recent years and have communicated on strategic and overall issues regarding China-Serbia relations, achieving historic achievements.

China is willing to work with Serbia to uphold and develop the bilateral friendship, safeguard the fundamental and long-term interests of the two countries and pursue respective national development and rejuvenation, aiming to promote the building of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era, said Xi.

In the joint statement, the two countries decided to deepen and elevate the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership. Serbia was the first Central and Eastern European country to become China’s comprehensive strategic partner eight years ago.

“It is a strategic choice made by both sides to build a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era. Its goal is to realize the aspiration of the two peoples for a better life. Its foundation and driving force come from the firm support and extensive participation of the two peoples,” Xi told reporters during a joint press conference with Vucic.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Wednesday signed a joint statement on the building of a China-Serbia community with a shared future in the new era, making Serbia the first European country to reach such a consensus with China.

During the joint press conference, Xi announced six measures to support the initiative. With joint efforts from China and Serbia, the free trade agreement between the two countries will take effect on July 1, he said.

China supports Serbia in hosting Expo 2027 and will send a delegation to participate in the grand event, Xi said, adding that China encourages its enterprises to take part in the construction of relevant projects.

China is ready to import more quality and distinctive agricultural products from Serbia, he said.

The Chinese side will aid 50 young Serbian scientists in exchange programs with China for the next three years, he added.

Xi said the Chinese side will invite 300 Serbian youths to study in China in the next three years.

China welcomes Serbia to increase direct flights between Belgrade and Shanghai and encourages airlines from both sides to launch direct flights between Belgrade and Guangzhou, the Chinese president said.

In the joint statement, the two countries decided to deepen and elevate the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership.

Serbia was the first Central and Eastern European country to become China’s comprehensive strategic partner eight years ago.

Earlier, upon arrival, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that he hopes cooperation with the European country can develop with “stronger momentum.”

Xi made the remarks in a written speech upon his arrival in Serbian capital Belgrade, the second leg of his European tour. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic welcomed him at the airport.

“Since the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership in 2016, the bilateral relationship has realized leapfrog development, and achieved historic results,” Xi said, speaking highly of the “rock-solid political mutual trust” and the fruitful results yielded in high quality Belt and Road cooperation between the two sides.

People-to-people exchanges have also advanced during the years, with a comprehensive mutual visa exemption reached, direct flights opened and a free-trade agreement signed.

“Our ironclad friendship has taken deeper roots in the heart of the two peoples,” Xi noted, highlighting that cooperation between the two countries is rooted in the principle of equality and mutual benefit.

Looking into the future, the Chinese president said China will work with Serbia to jointly stay committed to the original aspiration and forge ahead together to open up a new vista in China-Serbia cooperation with stronger momentum, greater scope and higher quality.

“I look forward to taking this visit as an opportunity to have in-depth exchange of views with President Vucic on the bilateral relationship and other issues of mutual interest, renew friendship, plan for cooperation, explore development, and draw up a new blueprint for the development of bilateral relations,” he said in the speech.

“I am confident that this visit will be a fruitful one and will open up a new chapter in China-Serbia relations,” Xi said.

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