Home China China deeply concerned about Iran-Israel situation, calls for restraint

China deeply concerned about Iran-Israel situation, calls for restraint

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BEIJING: China is deeply concerned about the current escalation of the Iran-Israel situation and calls on relevant parties to remain calm and exercise restraint to avoid further escalation of tensions, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Sunday in response to Iran’s attack on Israel.

The ministry said the escalation is the latest manifestation of spillover from the Gaza conflict, so the pressing task now is to earnestly implement UN Security Council Resolution 2728 and end the Gaza conflict as soon as possible.

The UN Security Council passed a resolution on March 25, demanding an immediate ceasefire for the month of Ramadan, the immediate and unconditional release of hostages and the urgent need to expand the flow of aid into Gaza. There were 14 votes in favor to none against, with one abstention – by the U.S.

Meanwhile, China calls on the international community, especially countries that can influence the situation, to play a constructive role in safeguarding regional peace and stability.

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