Home China Pakistan Chinese minister briefed on Bisham attack probe

Chinese minister briefed on Bisham attack probe

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ISLAMABAD: Minister for Interior Mohsin Naqvi on Thursday briefed his Chinese counterpart Qi Yanjun on the progress made in the probe into the Bisham attack in which five Chinese engineers and their Pakistani driver were killed.

During a meeting at the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations in New York, Mr Naqvi and Mr Qi discussed bilateral relations, security-related matters and cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of two countries.

The Chinese minister expressed satisfaction over the progress in the unfortunate incident and praised Pakistani agencies for their hard work and professional approach.

He said China would provide full cooperation in training and capacity building of Pakistan’s law enforcement agencies. He appreciated the establishment of the Special Protection Unit (SPU) in Islamabad for the security of foreign nationals, particularly Chinese citizens. He assured Mr Naqvi of full cooperation in the training and related matters of the SPU.

Regarding bilateral relations, Mr Qi said Pakistan and China are all-weather friends and their friendship is stronger than steel.

The Chinese minister invited his Pakistani counterpart to participate in the Global Security Forum to be held in China in September. Mr Naqvi accepted the invitation and also invited Mr Qi to visit Pakistan.

It is worth mentioning that an advisory group from the Chinese Ministry of Public Security will visit Pakistan soon.

Mr Naqvi said that Pakis­tan is proud of its friendship with China and Pakistan-China friendship is an example for the rest of world.

Mr Naqvi and Mr Qi are in New York to attend the 4th United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit.

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