Home China China, U.S. highlight importance of economic and trade ties

China, U.S. highlight importance of economic and trade ties

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BEIJING: Economic and trade ties should be the stabilizing force of China-U.S. relations, Chinese Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen said as he co-chaired the first vice-ministerial meeting of the China-U.S. commerce and trade working group with U.S. Deputy Secretary of Commerce Marisa Lago.

Wang, also China’s international trade representative, visited the U.S. from April 2 to 5 at the invitation of the U.S. side.

China is willing to strengthen communication, expand cooperation and manage the differences through the work group, fostering a good environment for trade and investment cooperation between corporations of the two countries, he said.

He expressed concerns over the U.S. side’s Section 301 tariff measures on China and relevant investigation request, sanctions on Chinese enterprises, two-way investment restrictions, revision of trade remedy investigation rules and unfair treatment of Chinese companies.

Both sides agreed to maintain close communication with enterprises of the two sides and discuss issues of concern to them, and jointly support trade promotion events including the China International Import Expo, China International Fair for Investment and Trade and China-California Business Forum, China’s Ministry of Commerce said on Friday.

China and the U.S. voiced support for cooperation events in fields such as clean energy technology and women’s health.

The two countries also agreed to promote trade facilitation and strengthen communication in export control.

Lago will lead a delegation to visit China in the second half of 2024 upon invitation, and co-chair the second vice-ministerial meeting of the China-U.S. commerce and trade working group.

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