Home Election Bugti alarms politicians of terrorism during polls campaings

Bugti alarms politicians of terrorism during polls campaings

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ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Inter­ior Minister Sarfraz Ahmed Bugti emphasised the government’s readiness to ensure peaceful general elections but at the same time acknowledged the terrorist threats faced by political leaders in the run-up to the February polls.

Speaking at a press conference in Islamabad, Mr Bugti highlighted a general threat to political figures, with a specific alert for JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman.

He acknowledged the vulnerability of political leaders to terrorism during public rallies and gatherings, labelling it a significant challenge in the current climate of terrorism. He also pointed out the reluctance of political figures to limit their public appearances, preferring to engage directly with the electorate.

The minister said there was a history of terrorist activities during election days and recalled that many political leaders, including former premiers Shaukat Aziz and Benazir Bhutto, Nawab Sanaullah Zehri and Mir Siraj Khan Raisani, were targeted during election campaigns and political rallies from 2002 onwards. He, however, vowed to provide the people with an opportunity to freely exercise their right to vote.

Answering a question, he said the government was ready to provide civil armed forces for the Feb 8 elections, but he refused to indicate the army’s availability for poll-related security duties.

“Our paramilitary forces are busy in counterterrorism and other operations, but despite all this, we will meet the requirement of the Elections Commission of Pakistan (ECP) regarding the deployment of civil armed forces,” he said.

The remarks came days after the ECP wrote to the interior ministry seeking deployment of the army and civil armed forces outside the polling stations and a quick response force to meet the shortfall of over 277,000 police personnel.

Giving the details, Mr Bugti said that paramilitary forces that came under his command were busy in operations.

“Rangers are doing operations in katcha areas of Sindh in difficult conditions. FC (Frontier Corps) Balochistan is overstretched in south and north in deteriorating security conditions of the province,” he said. Besides, the Frontier Constabulary in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was combating terrorist attacks, he said.

At the same time, he told reporters that the army’s deployment for elections was the domain of the Ministry of Defence.

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