Home Kashmir Pakistan and Kashmiris will not remain aloof to war between India and China: Shehryar Afridi

Pakistan and Kashmiris will not remain aloof to war between India and China: Shehryar Afridi

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Chairman of Parliament’s Special Committee on Kashmir Shehryar Khan Afridi Saturday said that Pakistan and Kashmiris will not remain aloof to war between China and India.

Afridi was speaking to Azad Kashmir President Masood Khan on the developments taking place in Ladakh and said that the situation may aggravate anytime and a war cannot be ruled out between India and China – both nuclear-armed countries.

Afridi called on Azad Kashmir President and exchanged views on the recent developments in Indian-occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IoJK).

Both the leaders discussed in detail the emerging situation in IoJK in wake of the wave of killing spree unleashed by occupying Indian army and other agencies across Kashmir and illegal detention of pro-freedom leaders, a spokesperson of KC said in a statement.

The leaders said the new aggression by Indian forces in Kashmir is aimed at suppressing voices of Kashmiris against the illegal actions of the Fascist Hindutva regime including the issuance of domicile certificates to Indian nationals to change the Muslim-majority identity of the occupied territory.

The leaders warned India against the issuance of mining licenses to Indian nationals, saying such illegal acts would further enrage the people of IoJK.

Meanwhile, Azad Kashmir President Masood Khan thanked Prime Minister Imran Khan for appointing Shehryar Afridi as Chairman Kashmir Committee. Khan assured full confidence in Afridi’s leadership.

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