Home China Pakistanis unanimous on Kashmir, China & Pakistaniat; says Ambassador Yao Jing

Pakistanis unanimous on Kashmir, China & Pakistaniat; says Ambassador Yao Jing

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ISLAMABAD – Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing on Saturday said entire Pakistani nation was one on Kashmir, Pakistaniat and love for China and this unanimity reflected the strength of deep rooted China, Pakistan friendship. 

Addressing the audience of a seminar held under the aegis of Pakistan, China Institute (PCI) to observe the 70th Anniversary of Peoples Republic of China here, Ambassador Yao Jing said that Kashmir is one of the issues the world has failed to resolve that needs to be resolve on priority basis.

Chairman PCI Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Acting Speaker National Assembly Qasim Suri, Deputy Secretary General of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Bayazeed Khan Kasi, Pakistan Peoples Party MPA Ahmed Khan Kundi, China, Pakistan Friendship Association General Secretary Syed Ali Nawaz Gilani and other politicians were also present. 

Chinese ambassador was accompanied by Deputy Chief of Mission Ms Pang Chunxue, Political Section deputy head Ms Bao Zhong, IDCPC representative Chen Yongpei, Dr Zhang Jiegen and other officials.    

Ambassador Yao Jing said that China learnt from Pakistani economic model in 1960s and the Chinese people would never forget the support it got from Pakistan. He said  China would never forget Pakistan’s unwavering support and its support to help China break its isolation and connect with the rest of the world in 1960s. He said that China and Pakistan are partners and friends and this bond would get cemented by each day passing.


Lauding the services of Senator Mushahid Hussain for cementing China, Pakistan brotherhood, Yao Jing said that Mushahid Hussain is the most famous face in China and has done a wonderful job in cementing Sino, Pakistan bond.

“China is celebrating its 70th Anniversary of its Foundation but we are also observing seventh decade of Pakistan, China friendship,” he said.

Yao Jing said that CPEC is new model of economic partnership. We have to build stronger relationship and we have to build on history.

Yao Jing said that this decade has been difficult and we have been facing numerous challenges. Pakistan, China Institute has come a long way to support China’s cause.

Addressing the seminar, Chairman Pakistan, China Institute (PCI) Mushahid Hussain Sayed said that Ambassador Yao Jing was a major reason for success of CPEC.

“Chinese leaders have a futuristic approach and they plan ahead of others.

Quaid Azam told a US journalist in 1947 that Pakistan would be the world’s pivot and the world would look towards Pakistan”.

He said Chairman Mao Zedong told China’s ambassador to Pakistan that take care of Pakistan as Pakistan would be China’s window to the world.

“For last forty years China has not fought a war and its soldiers are not on foreign soil. On the contrary, USA has been fighting wars since past forty years.

Chinese resilience is a model for the world and the world needs to learn from China”.

Acting Speaker of the National Assembly Qasim Suri that China, Pakistan bond is unmatched in inter-state relations. He said that Beijing’s support over forced Kashmir annexation by India has added a new feather into Pakistan, China friendship.

He said that all political parties had signed a Joint Consultation Mechanism (JCM) in Beijing in support for CPEC and it reflects political support enjoyed by China.

He said that Prime Minister Imran Khan visited all neighbouring countries after taking oath to further cooperation with regional partners which reflects PTIs vision on good neighbourhood policy. He said other countries were also joining the CPEC and they were becoming stakeholders in CPEC.

Leader of the House in the Senate, Senator Shibli Fraz said that his late Father Ahmed Fraz had visited China along with former premier Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and he was on return was full of praise for Chinese people.

“China today is a great example for whole world that how a nation can beat the world and rise from being a poverty stricken state into world’s one of the biggest economies. China is unique in a manner in Pakistan as entire nation is united on China being the best friend of Pakistan”.

Senator Mushahid Hussain has rendered untiring efforts to cement the Sino-Pakistan bond and his services would long be remembered as a friend of China.

Chairman Kashmir Committee Syed Fakhar Imam said that PCI reflects the excellence of Mushahid in communication. He said Chairman Mao Ze Dong was a great leader but the leader who transformed New China into an economic giant was Deng Xiaoping who had a long-term vision.

“Keeping 10-13 percent growth rate is a miracle and China today is hitting 14 trillion dollars GDP. China if keeps the pace would catch up with the USA who is placed at 23 trillion GDP in next six years. The methodology of New Economic Zones is a huge success. China only country to set a new model of One country three systems. China, Hong Kong, Macao which is a great achievement,” he added.

Salim Safi said that Pakistani politicians need to learn the futuristic approach of Mushahid Hussain Sayed. Pakistan needs to learn from China’s policy of restraint and putting focus of economic development. CPEC is a blessing in disguise for Pakistan and we need to adopt Chinese model of development in Balochistan and other under development areas.

Raja Zafarul Haq said China has been raising voice for oppressed people around the world. China smashed myth that Indian Occupied Kashmir (IoK) is an internal issue of India and raised the issue at UNSC after a lapse of around 70 years. Later, a cake was cut to mark the 70 years of foundation of Peoples Republic of China.  

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