Home China CPEC: Socio-economic sector projects top priority for China, says Ambassador Yao Jing

CPEC: Socio-economic sector projects top priority for China, says Ambassador Yao Jing

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ISLAMABAD – Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing Friday said that priority in the second phase of China, Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is development of socio-economic sector projects in Pakistan, with grant financing for direct benefit of the common man.

The views were expressed by Ambassador of People’s Republic of China who called on the Federal Minster for Economic Affairs Muhammad Hammad Azhar and congratulated on his elevation as Federal Minister.

The Ambassador reiterated commitment of his government to the strategic relationship with Pakistan and hoped that appointment of Federal Minister for Economic Affairs will further strengthen relationship between the two countries.

The Ambassador updated the minister on the progress made on account of implementation of CPEC related projects. He said promotion of Business-to-Business (B2B) relationship between Chinese and Pakistani companies for technological and industrial development was also a priority area for the Chinese government in order to augment Pakistan’s capacity to export. Establishment of Special Economic Zones remained an important milestone in this regard, he added.

Muhammad Hammad Azhar stated that the CPEC is a flagship programme of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) which is now entering into a new phase. The Minister reiterated the commitment of his government for implementation of next phase of CPEC for the benefit of people of Pakistan.

The Minister acknowledged the historic relationship with China and the generous support it has been extending to Pakistan. He also acknowledged the economic and financial assistance provided by China to Pakistan during difficult times. China’s position on the current situation in occupied Kashmir was vehemently appreciated.

The Minister highlighted that priority of this government is now more on developing human capital, giving health and education, clean drinking water and sanitation services to the common man.

The Minister also highlighted Prime Minister’s flagship programme Naya Pakistan Housing Project for the poor and homeless people.  The vision of the government is now on building institutions, improving governance, bringing accountability and transparency and spending tax payer’s money for the greater welfare of common man.

In conclusion the both sides reiterated the mutual resolve to strengthen the bilateral relationship between the two sides.

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