Home China Chinese, Pakistani media to jointly foil false western propaganda; says Amb Yao Jing

Chinese, Pakistani media to jointly foil false western propaganda; says Amb Yao Jing

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ISLAMABAD – Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing Wednesday said that China and Pakistan face a new challenge of negative propaganda from the western media and media of both the countries need to jointly defeat the enemy’s false, misleading propaganda.

“Year 2020 is the year for media collaboration between both friendly nations to jointly foil the negative and groundless propaganda by western media. Western media projects a lot of negativity about Xinjiang. In Hong Kong, every weekend hundreds of youngsters mobilised by western NGOs block roads and attack people and law enforcers. Western media reports about Hong Kong are also misleading,” said Ambassador Yao Jing while addressing the participants of a reception hosted by Chinese Embassy to celebrate the New Chinese Lunar Year.

Ambassador Yao Jing said that China, Pakistan relationship is being targeted by western media and CPEC is being challenged and doubted. I am happy that China, Pakistan have been working together for regional peace and stability. Year 2020 will be beneficial for both Pakistan and China as two nations express our devotion for common cause of development and international justice. China’s government and peoples would continue to cooperate with Pakistan and take CPEC to new stage,” he added.

He said the second stage of CPEC would involve joint ventures and industrial cooperation in Pakistan. He said China would establish agriculture technology display centers all over Pakistan.

“We would also establish industrial centers in Makran, Balochistan.  We are also working with the government of Pakistan for poverty alleviation campaign and establishing of 50 vocational training centers, education and health facilities would be prioritised. Science and technology would be focused and value added production to be carried out in Pakistan,” he said.

Amb Yao Jing lauded Pakistani media was working for promoting Sino-Pak relations and bridging the peoples of Pakistan and China.

“Sino-Pak relationship is of prime importance. Media friends should double check facts about reports on China, Pakistan cooperation. China is rising but we are rising peacefully. China has been picked up as a target and whatever you do, you can’t satisfy the enemy. Media should check facts with Chinese embassy whatever reports you get about China,” he said.

He said media efforts are critical for China, Pakistan relationship.

“I would also like to inform that we are not scared of criticism as China has confidence to overcome these hiccups. Last year, China progressed at 6.2 percent and whole Chinese nation is united for our own development. We know how to combat challenges. We are very sensitive to local conditions of our partners and Pakistan is among our priority of development for shaping a community of shared future,” he added.

“China, Pakistan cooperation is not limited to CPEC as we are also cooperating in defence and international affairs. Let’s combat international propaganda against China and Pakistan. Let’s develop closer cooperation for media and the embassy and work for a brighter future. I think implementation of CPEC in best manner to defeat western propaganda and this should benefit all segments and sectors in Pakistan,” he added.

“We should also evolve closer consultation between the two governments to ensure inclusive, clean and green projects. Media cooperation is so important and double check with all sources before reporting”.

“We are very much concerned about situation in Kashmir and Indian unilateral change of status of Kashmir has violated UN Security Council. As a responsible member of UN, we have right to mention and raise the human rights violations in Kashmir. China has major economy in world we have cooperation with all countries. We are always stood against sanctions and military means and we appreciate bilateral consultation and we appreciate Pakistan’s efforts for de-escalation in Middle East,” he concluded.

“We have five new projects started in Gwadar. We have 27 other projects under social sector and 10 projects are underway. For next stage of mega projects we are consulting with the government which has formed joint committee. CPEC won’t slowdown but it can change the focus and new stage is community based,” concluded Amb Yao Jing.

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