Home China China turning embryonic town into Big Data Valley

China turning embryonic town into Big Data Valley

14 min read
  • Big Data Valley to complete by 2020
  • 58 excellent big data enterprises installed; big data enterprises reached 1632, annual prime operating revenue of reached RMB 100 billion in mere one year


GUIYANG, China – Amid tensions souring between world’s two major economic giants, China is fast implementing its plan to turn Guiyang, once an ignored and underdeveloped town, into Big Data Valley – perhaps on the pattern of Silicon Valley of the United States of America.

Guiyang is just a year from becoming home to Big Data Economy of China within a mere three years’ time. The miracle is happening under the visionary President Xi Jinping who has himself been looking after the development of China’s big data power.

Prior to my arrival in the country, I would sometimes come across stories of the story of China’s economic advancement in different media. But I have been witnessing the signs and outcomes of development in China for myself for last three months since I landed in Beijing.

Wherever I have been to during the period, I couldn’t but overwhelm with the massive development of that areas. The unique architectural beauty of skyscrapers in different Chinese cities sometimes tempts me to wonder if the East Asian nation is pursuing development or performing miracles.

Lately, I along with some foreign journalist have been to Guiyang city, Guizhou Province. Guiyang is China’s first digital valley and Guizhou is China’s cloud computing center. The trio was arranged by Xinhua News Agency and Guiyang Local Government. We also visited China’s top big data companies and Moutai group.

The sojourn has privileged me to witness how the prudent leadership of China has been transforming an undeveloped area to a modern city from scratch. As many development projects of the city are still under construction, I could easily realize how the city has undergone a radical transformation in a span of a few years.

During the visit, I have basked in natural, architectural and modern technologies of Guiyang. Guizhou is one of the most beautiful provinces of China. It is known as the “Garden State” and has gorgeous natural scenery with all types of landscape, the general situation in Guizhou was that it was “unflourshing and underdeveloped” and acceleration of its development was a fundamental task.


In Guiyang, we were surprised to note that the city called Big Data Valley of China was full with billboards installed in every nook and corner of the city inscribed with slogans and instructions with a veiled reference to  trade war imposed by the US President Donald Trump on China.

“Accelerate the building of national big data (Guizhou) comprehensive pilot zone,” reads a billboard installed on side of a road.

“Implement the national big data strategy across the board,” another flier says. “Carry out high quality opening up and promote high quality economic development,” reads another board.  “Data creates more value, innovation brings a better future,” reads another billboard.

“Focus on cutting edge technologies, aims for win-win outcome,” reads another one.

Along with the pressure from the main two task of “Catching Up” and “Changing its Course”, the Guizhou provincial party committee and provincial government also clearly understood that they had to accomplished both the development of the province and protection of ecosystem and change the “green mountains into mountains of gold and silver”.

The fundamental driving force would come from innovation and from creating a new development engine to change course and to catch up. Big data was to become Guizhou strategic. Which has entered into the great wild world of big data has rapidly developed new technologies and has become China’s first national big data comprehensive pilot zone. It leads in various big data innovation within China and has contributed “Guizhou Intelligence” to the national “Digital China” project.

In 2017, Guiyang proposed a new target to build China’s Big Data Valley by year 2020. Focusing on the target, Guiyang has built six big data industry cluster bases and newly setup 51 big data enterprises above the designated size set in 2017.

The prime operating revenue of a big data enterprises reached 80 billion RMB – an increase of 21 percent on a year-on-year basis.

One can imagine the speed of development of the Big Data Valley by the fact that only in year 2018, the city management introduced 58 excellent big data enterprises. The number of big data enterprises in Guiyang reached 1632 and the annual prime operating revenue of the enterprising reached RMB 100 billion, a year-on-year increase of 22.4 percent.

Focusing on a political, civil and commercial use of big data, Guiyang has actively build new big data application scenarios to promote the deep integration of big data and all walks of life.

Nowadays, the integration of big data and the real economy has helped traditional industries to improve their product quality and increase efficiency in Guiyang. The integration of big data and social governance has enhanced the social governance service system lately. The integration of big data and the livelihood service of people enables citizens to easily do various things online at home without going out.

Under its dynamic and patriotic leadership, China has steadily been achieving tremendous economic growth. The country has set an unprecedented record in human history by lifting millions of people out of poverty in just a few decades. It has continued giving rise to its own development sagas by performing miracles in every sector from economy to science and technology. As a result, whenever the name of China comes into discussions, the images of remarkable progress pop up in everyone’s mind.

During the journey of Guiyang, we attended Big Data Expo 2019 and visited 5G technologies like Xiao-I Robot Technology, Brook Cloud Town, 5G Laboratory, “DianDingDing” Intelligent Power Safety Hazard, Big Data Engineering Laboratory, Yoguang Electronic Technology Company and Moutai Town.

While visiting the expo, I came to know that Big Data is a new stage of innovation in modern technology and new place for sustainable country. Big Data is a win-win cooperation to intensify globally. It plays an important role in Belt and Road Initiative for developing a better and shared future for the mankind.

Couple of years ago in Expo 2017, Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma had said, “If you told someone that it was possible to develop Big Data in Guizhou, nobody would believe you. However, I think such a miracle is taking place here now”.

According to details, in 2018, Guiyang City has built 10 big data industrial parks, introduced 58 better and stronger big data enterprises, and added 51 new enterprises above designated size. Manbang Group has become 2018 Forbes China 50 most innovative companies. Guizhou Esgyn Information Technology Co., Ltd won the Silver Award of New Technologies, New Products & New Applications in 2018 World loT Expo. Guiyang Big Data Exchange (GBDE) has a total data column of more than 150 PB.

Moreover, In 2018, the main business income of big data enterprises in Guiyang reached 100 billion RMB (Yuan).

Meanwhile, we visited Xiao-I robot technology Co. Ltd. The company is a supplier of Artificial Intelligence technology and industrialization platform.

“Our applications deal with daily problems faced by peoples. Application solved more than 800 cases per day. Application play a bridge role between peoples and local government,” said General Manager Ms Lu Xiaoling. She said that China, US trade war has given a new direction to the Guiyang management and hence the Big Data Valley’s development has been pushed by leaps and bound.

On our visit to The BrookCloud Town, which is cluster of industries, we were informed that more than 114 local and foreign companies are working in town and 150 million RMB is output of big data Brook Cloud.

Furthermore, DianDingDing is company making products for automobiles companies. DianDingDing invest 180 million RMB to rectifying products. The company provides products to BMW, BENZ and so many others renowned companies.




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