Home BRI China, Pakistan to stand by each other’s core interests come what may; says Wang Qishan

China, Pakistan to stand by each other’s core interests come what may; says Wang Qishan

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  • Pakistan and China stand united in promoting prosperous global society, says Foreign Minister


ISLAMABAD – Vice President of China Mr Wang Qishan Sunday said that irrespective of the developments taking place at the international landscape, China will always stand by Pakistan’s core interests, and both Pakistan and China have made the right choice of being strategic partners based on equality and mutual benefit.

The Chinese dignitary made these remarks while addressing the audiences at the Second Silk Road Forum organised by ‘Friends of Silk Road Forum’ – a people’s platform linking communities, different segments of society, academia, media and think-tanks at a grass root level.

The visiting Vice President was speaking at his first engagement upon his arrival in Pakistan at a very well attended function organized by the Pakistan, China Institute (PCI), under the banner of ‘Friends of Silk Road’.

Chairman Senate Sadiq Sanjrani, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Minister Safron Shehryar Khan Afridi, Ambassador Yao Jing, Deputy Speaker National Assembly Qasim Suri, Deputy Chief of Chinese Mission Zhao Lijian, Joint Secretary PTI Bayazeed Kasi, General Secretary Pak, China Friendship Association Syed Ali Nawaz Gilani and other cabinet members were also present. Mustafa Hyder Sayed, Executive Director, Pakistan-China Institute, conducted the proceedings in an emphatic manner and introduced guests by their respective professional credentials.

Wang Qishan said history is witness to Pakistan, China friendship which is deeply rooted in cultural, historical and friendly bond between the peoples of the two countries. He said Pakistan was first country to acknowledge New China and hence was strategic partner of China.

“China and Pakistan are all weather strategic partners and CPEC (China, Pakistan Economic Corridor) has come a long way in further cementing this bond. I am confident the CPEC would add new impetus to development in Pakistan besides furthering the regional development. I am happy to know that supporting CPEC is a consensus among all parties and ethnic groups in across Pakistan,” he said.

Reiterating the China, Pakistan Friendship bond, Wang said that that Pakistan and China stand by each other’s core interests and the spirit of the Silk Road binds the two countries together with a common heritage and history.

Vice-President Wang Qishan thanked Senator Mushahid Hussain, the Chairman of the PCI and Chairman of Senate Foreign Affairs Committee for hosting the event, which brought together a galaxy of political leaders, senators, MNAs from all political parties and provinces plus youth and women activists, civil society, think-tanks, scholars, intellectuals, artists and business leaders.

Referring to the international situation, Vice President Wang Qishan said that despite challenges, the way forward is globalization, free trade and people-to-people connectivity. He also appreciated the success of the CPEC and he said that the second phase of CPEC would even bring more benefits for both Pakistan and China.

Addressing the Forum, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi paid glowing tributes to Mr Wang Qishan, saying that the Chinese leader had played a key role in cementing China, Pakistan relations.

“You’re a historian, remarkable economist and a great leader. You have played a key role in cementing Pakistan, China friendship. Pakistan and China are most reliable, trusted friends. Pakistan and China stand united in promoting a prosperous global society with a shared future for the mankind,” he added.

Lauding the services of Mushahid Hussain, Foreign Minister praised Chairman PCI for gathering together the people from various parties and professionals for enhancing understanding on Belt and Road.

He said that International department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC) also had played a key role in holding Joint Consultative Mechanism to evolve consensus on CPEC among various political and regional parties.

He said Prime Minister Imran Khan’s successive visits to China have paved way for a stronger collaboration with government of China. He said that the two countries were rendering joint efforts in poverty alleviation, anticorruption and development process in the region and China has been a consistent partner in this regard.

In his welcome address, Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed said that the presence of political leaders from all parties and provinces in this gathering is an affirmation of the consensus enjoyed by CPEC across the board since it is a guarantor of a better tomorrow for Pakistan and its people.

Mushahid also shared a quote of Chairman Mao Zedong which goes, “Nothing is impossible in this world if you dare to scale the heights”, saying that China and Pakistan are ready to take up any challenge for peaceful rise of Asia.

Giving the history of PCI, Mushahid termed it as the first non-governmental initiative that is now serving as bridge between people of China and Pakistan. Senator Mushahid Hussain said that Pakistan rejects any notion of “clash of civilizations” or a return to a Cold War mentality.

In this regard, Senator Mushahid also referred to the conference on CPEC convened in Beijing in March, where 50 representatives of 10 political parties took part and issued a “Beijing Declaration” affirming their support for CPEC.

This conference was organized in Beijing by International Department of the Communist Party of China (IDCPC). Senator Mushahid Hussain also congratulated Vice President Wang Qishan on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, in which China had achievements in economy, especially lifting 750 million people out of poverty, pursuing a model foreign policy of non interference in internal affairs and respecting countries, irrespective of size or strength, and promoting cultural connectivity at a people to people level.

Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi warmly welcomed the VP and referred to CPEC as a binding force between Pakistani and China, citing the recent visit of Prime Minister to China for the Belt and Road Forum, and he praised CPEC for contributing to the progress of Pakistan.

Chairman Senate, Sadiq Sanjrani said that China is Pakistan’s time-tested friend and an “iron-brother,” and “the people of Pakistan are proud of their friendship with China.” He also welcomed and endorsed the initiative of President Xi Jinping for organizing the dialogue of Asian Civilizations, and said that cooperation, not confrontation is the way forward for Asia.

Sadiq Sanjrani congratulate Mr Wang for addressing Friends of Silk Road Forum, saying that Pakistan was first country to hold this forum.

“We highly appreciate this vision. CPEC is a vision for an integrated Asia. Pakistan is committed to complete all CPEC projects as we enter its second phase. We must enhance people’s connectivity for a peaceful and cooperative Asia. Pakistan and China share common aspirations and goals,” he added.

The Ambassador of China, Yao Jing, was also present on the podium and the audience included the Leader of the House in the Senate, Senator Shibli Faraz, the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Qasim Suri, as well as federal minister Azam Swati, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on CPEC, Sher Ali Arbab and a large number of senators and MNAs from the PML-N, PTI, PPP, ANP, BNP Mengal, FATA and the Balochistan Awami Party.

The event also included the President of the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI), Daroo Khan Achakzai, prominent businessman Iqbal Z. Ahmed, prominent artist Jimmy Engineer, the founder of Ajoka Theater, Shahid Mehmood Nadeem, and prominent think tank leaders like Lt Gen (R) Asad Durrani, and Lt Gen (R) Talat Masood were also present on the occasion.


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