Home BRI China asks world to view Pakistan’s counterterrorism efforts in ‘objective, fair manner’

China asks world to view Pakistan’s counterterrorism efforts in ‘objective, fair manner’

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BEIJING – China on Wednesday urged international community to view Pakistan’s counter-terrorism efforts and contributions in an objective and fair manner, and to strengthen dialogue and cooperation with Pakistan.

The vow came after a one-on-one meeting between State Councilor and Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China Mr. Wang Yi and Mr. Shah Mahmood Qureshi, Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan here.

Both sides stressed that they regard developing China-Pakistan relations as a diplomatic priority, and are committed to strengthening All-weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership between the two countries and building a closer China-Pakistan community of shared future in the new era.

“The Chinese side reiterated its steadfast support for Pakistan in safeguarding its sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and national dignity, choosing its development path according to its national conditions, and establishing a better security environment. The Chinese side appreciated Pakistan’s constructive role on international and regional issues,” an official statement issued here by Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

Both sides agreed to further strengthen their coordination and cooperation on international and regional matters, and to keep close communication and collaboration in multilateral forums including the UN, multilateral financial institutions, the SCO and SAARC.

The two sides believed that a peaceful, stable, cooperative and prosperous South Asia is in the common interest of all parties, and emphasized the importance of dialogue in resolving all disputes and issues in this region on the basis of mutual respect and equality.

The Chinese side appreciated efforts made by the Government and people of Pakistan in firmly combating terrorism and extremism, and supported Pakistan in implementing its National Action Plan and important measures taken recently in this regard.

The two sides underlined that China-Pakistan relationship was a factor of stability in the regional and international situation and reaffirmed their resolve to continue to strengthen it in all areas.

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