Home CPEC Govt to add more infrastructure projects to CPEC framework; says Communications Minister

Govt to add more infrastructure projects to CPEC framework; says Communications Minister

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ISLAMABAD – Dropping a strong hint on adding new infrastructure projects into multibillion dollars China, Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), Federal Minster for Communications Murad Saeed has said that the federal government is mulling to include more infrastructure projects to the CPEC list.

The statement comes amid claims from various circles that no infrastructure projects would now be added to the CPEC portfolio and rather China and Pakistan were looking for adding new projects in industrial development, agriculture sector and socio-economic projects under the CPEC.   

It merits mention that Pakistan and China are set to sign another mega infrastructure project under the CPEC called Mainline-I Railway Project also known as ML-I. Under the multibillion dollar project, Chinese companies would upgrade Pakistan’s railway tracks from Karachi to Peshawar.

“Timely completion of CPEC projects stands among top priorities of our government and more road projects would be included in the framework. This reflects the commitment our government has accorded to the completion of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor,” said the minister while talking to journalists here after the official launching of Clean and Green Pakistan ceremony held here at Islamabad-Murree Dual Carriageway (IMDC).

He said that countrywide Clean & Green Pakistan drive was moving ahead at a rapid pace, which aptly reflects vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan about future of Pakistan. He said the Ministry of Communications and National Highway Authority (NHA) are working hands in hands with other stakeholders to make motorways and highways network clean and green.

The Street Art Competition was also arranged along the wall of IMDC Mangla-25kms. More than 200 students from the Fatima Jinnah Women University Rawalpindi and National College of Arts Rawalpindi participated. The students expressed their deep sense of love for their culture and heroes through paintings.

Murad Saeed said as a custodian of the country’s motorways and national highways network, he was determined to make journey safe and sound and providing maximum civic amenities at the service areas at reasonable rates. He asked the media persons to join them for making the drive of Clean and Green Pakistan a success.

“We are focusing on increasing revenue of the NHA so that it can be made self-sustained that will ultimately reduce load on the national exchequer thus saving money for spending on health, education and poverty alleviation,” he said. The minister further said that timely completion of CPEC projects stands among priorities and that more road building schemes will be included in the CPEC.

In order to introduce model roads in the country, the Intelligent Transport System (ITS) has been introduced that will further be expanded on other motorways and national highways gradually.

A special shield was also presented to the federal minister for communications and postal services by the NHA chairman.

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