Home Uncategorized China urges Asia to embrace Omni Media era, employ modern technology

China urges Asia to embrace Omni Media era, employ modern technology

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Boao, Hainan – China’s Vice Minister, State Council of Information office, Mr Guo Wemin Friday urged the media industry of Asia region to embrace the Omni Media era by advancing innovation through adopting new technology.

Asia Media Cooperation Conference is a part of the Boao Forum Asia (BFA) Annual Conference 2019 held on Friday in Hainan, China. All media groups from Asian countries represent in round table conference.

Omni media is the convergence of various channels in the media industry, shifting from single platform to multi-platform –print, television, radio broadcasting, and internet, he added

Wemin said We have organized six rounds of media cooperation forum. So in the past six years, we have experienced a golden age of Asia media cooperation and also witness the rapid development in media sector.

He said the development of 5G Big Data Cloud computing Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, mobile media will usher in a new era of rapid growth, and a new way of media is emerging Omni media age has started.

“In the Omni media age, we need to reach consensus and share best practices to create more cooperation program,” Guo said

“President Xi Jinping emphasis that the relationship between the traditional media and the new media is not the relationship off replacement, but a supplementary relationship. There’s no weak and strong” he added

Director, Department of Media and Culture, China Ms Zhong Hui said the value of BOAO forum for Asia 2019 is to facilitate the cooperation and we are organization of dream. Since the very beginning of BOAO Forum for Asia, we are trying to facilitate the cooperation and to publicize the voice of Asia.

But, she added, it is difficult to reach consensus and it’s not easy to reach a very high level of trust in terms of in the process of cooperation, we need practical actions to promote, especially if the world can hurt can hear the voice of Asia. We have to do a lot of things together, Ms Hui said.

She said we compared with the media of USA and Europe, we are comparatively weaker than those voices from North America and Europe, so we have to work together.

We have to use all kinds of platform like a BOAO forum for Asia, so that we can cooperate and partner with each other and take actions together to make our voice louder, she mentioned

Meanwhile, Director Administration of Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) Mahmood-ul-Hassan represented Pakistan for BFA Asia Media Corporation Conference.

“We need to pool our human resources and technological support to promote our common interest. We need to collectively raise our discourse power and provide the space to each other,” he concluded.

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