Home China Wang Yi speaks on China’s foreign policy and external relations

Wang Yi speaks on China’s foreign policy and external relations

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BEIJING, China: State Councilor and Foreign Minister of China Wang Yi answers questions about the country’s foreign policy and external relations at a press conference on Sunday during the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature.

The press conference, which begins at 3 pm, is virtual at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, in line with COVID-19 containment measures.

Here are some highlights:

On ‘head-of-State diplomacy’

The biggest highlight in China’s foreign relations has been “head-of-State diplomacy”, Wang Yi said.

Through innovative “cloud diplomacy”, President Xi Jinping has championed solidarity in the world’s fight against COVID-19, and pointed the way forward for the international community to jointly fight the virus, Wang said. (Read more)

On China-Russia relations

In the face of the once-in-a-century pandemic, China and Russia have stood shoulder to shoulder and worked closely to combat “both the coronavirus and the political virus,” Wang said.

China and Russia should be each other’s strategic support, development opportunity, and global partner. This is both an experience gained from history and an imperative under the current circumstances, Wang said. (Read more)

On CPC leadership

Facts have proved that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the biggest political advantage of Chinese diplomacy and that leadership will offer fundamental support for China’s diplomatic agenda to keep securing more victories, Wang Yi said.

Wang said that China’s diplomacy is a people-oriented diplomacy led by the CPC, and the Party set the direction for China’s diplomatic agenda.

The original inspiration and mission of the CPC – to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation — determines the responsibility of China’s diplomacy, he said. (Read more)

On China-Africa relations

Helping African countries contain the COVID-19 pandemic and bring their economies back on track is the top priority of the China-Africa cooperation, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.

China will always support developing countries, Wang Yi said.

China has started to provide COVID-19 vaccines to 35 African countries and the African Union Commission, Wang Yi said. (Read more)

On ‘patriots administering Hong Kong’

Any country in the world will take allegiance to the motherland as a basic political ethic that must be observed by public officials or those who run for public posts, and so does Hong Kong, he said.

Hong Kong is a special administrative region of China. One cannot talk about loving Hong Kong without loving its motherland, he said, adding that love for the country and for Hong Kong is completely consistent.

Hong Kong enjoyed no democracy during colonial rule. Since its return to the motherland 24 years ago, no one is more concerned about Hong Kong’s democratic development and wishes Hong Kong to remain prosperous and stable than the central government, he said. (Read more)

On China-US relations

Wang said it is normal for China and the US, two countries with different social systems, to have differences and disagreements. “What matters most is to manage them effectively through candid communication to prevent strategic miscalculation and avoid conflict and confrontation.”

Wang said China hopes the US can remove its unreasonable restriction on bilateral cooperation as soon as possible, and refrain from artificially creating new ones.

“We are willing to work with the US and set China-US relations on a new path of healthy and steady development,” he said. (Read more)

On Taiwan question

The two sides of the Taiwan Strait must be and will surely be reunified, which is the trend of history and the collective will of the entire Chinese nation, Wang said, adding the one-China principle is the political foundation of the China-US relationship, a red line that should not be crossed.

On the Taiwan question, there is no room for compromise or concession from the Chinese government, he said.

“We would hope to see a clear departure from the previous administration’s dangerous practice of ‘pushing the red line’ and ‘playing with fire’, and we hope that the Taiwan question will be handled prudently and properly,” Wang said. (Read more)

China stresses UN’s core status

The UN is not a club for big or rich countries. All countries enjoy equal sovereignty and no country is in a position to dictate international affairs, Wang said.

He also urged efforts to enhance the representativeness and say of developing countries in the UN to better reflect the common aspiration of most countries. (Read more)

China, EU not systemic rivals

The China-Europe relationship is equal and open, and not targeting any third party or controlled by anyone else, Wang Yi said on Sunday.

China never intends to divide relations between Europe and the United States, Wang said, adding that the country is glad to see the European Union uphold multilateralism and remain devoted to coordination and cooperation among major countries. (Read more)

China opposes ‘vaccine nationalism’

China opposes “vaccine nationalism”, and the country rejects any “vaccine divide” or any attempt to politicize vaccine cooperation, Wang Yi said.

Wang said at a news conference that China is a firm believer in making COVID-19 vaccines a public good, and the nation is a committed front runner in promoting international vaccine cooperation, as well as a steadfast advocate for equitable vaccine distribution. (Read more)

On China-Arab relations

China will work with Arab states in solidarity, pursue common progress and make good preparations for a China-Arab States Summit, Wang Yi said on Sunday.

In the past year, relations between China and the Arab States have continued to make progress amid various challenges, Wang said, adding their joint fight against the COVID-19 pandemic has set a good example for international cooperation. (Read more)

On multilateralism

Building small circles in the name of multilateralism is in fact “group politics,” multilateralism with one’s own interests taking precedence is still unilateral thinking, and “selective multilateralism” is not the right choice.

True multilateralism means openness and inclusiveness instead of closeness and exclusion. It means equal-footed consultation instead of supremacy over others, Wang said. (Read more)

On system differences

Diversity is the integral feature of human civilization, and differences in systems should not be the ground for antagonism or confrontation, Wang Yi said.

Progress of human civilization cannot be achieved by taking only one path, nor should there be only one model, Wang told reporters at a press conference on the sidelines of the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress. (Read more)

China’s WTO accession

Wang said the past two decades have taught China four important lessons: We must stay committed to the fundamental policy of opening-up; we must stay committed to the principle of win-win cooperation; we must stay committed to the right direction of economic globalization; and we must stay committed to the central role of the WTO.

“China has injected energy into economic globalization, and facilitated the optimization of global industry chains and resources,” he said. (Read more)

On China-Japan relations

China’s coast guard law is only routine national legislation that does not target any certain country and the law is fully in accordance with international law and practice, Wang Yi said.

For the China-Japan relationship to be more mature and stable, China and Japan need to stay focused without being distracted by any single event, he said. (Read more)

‘Xinjiang genocide’ claim a thorough lie

The so-called claim of genocide in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region is preposterous, which is a rumor fabricated with ulterior motives and a thorough lie, Wang Yi said on Sunday.

Some western politicians chose to believe in the lies cooked up by a few instead of listening to the voice of 25 million Xinjiang residents of various ethnic groups, Wang said, adding that they chose to dance with the clumsy dramas by a few anti-China forces instead of acknowledging the progress in Xinjiang. (Read more)

On China-ASEAN relations

Wang said that China stands ready to develop an even closer community with a shared future with ASEAN as the two sides celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral dialogue relations this year.

China will continue to prioritize efforts to meet vaccine demand from ASEAN and further consolidate mutual beneficial cooperation and see that China’s new development paradigm is better align with the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework, he said. (Read more)

On the Belt and Road Initiative

China’s commitment in supporting the Belt and Road Initiative has not changed, and the country will continue to work with stakeholders to advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, Wang Yi said.

COVID-19 may have changed the world, but the need for Belt and Road cooperation has not subsided, he said.

“As we pursue a new development paradigm, we will explore better pathways for Belt and Road cooperation and offer greater opportunities to BRI partners,” he added. (Read more)

On new development stage

China will create a better business environment, pursue opening-up at a higher level, and work with various countries to accelerate the building of an open world economy, Wang Yi said.

China in the new development stage is like an express train with greater driving force and load capacity accelerating towards a new goal, he said. (Read more)

On China-India relations

China stands in a firm position to solve border disputes through dialogue and consultations and at the same time is determined to safeguard its own sovereign interests, Wang Yi said.

Border issues are not the whole of China-India relationship, Wang said, noting that what happened again proves that initiating confrontation will not solve the problem, and that returning to peaceful negation is the right way forward. (Read more)

To help overseas Chinese

The Party and the government care deeply about the life and health of each and every Chinese national overseas, Wang Yi said.

China will serve the people and will leave no one behind. “Our diplomats will not stand back until the pandemic is completely defeated,” Wang added.

China will launch a spring vaccination program to assist and secure vaccination for Chinese citizens with Chinese or foreign vaccines and also roll out health certificates for international travelers to facilitate safe and orderly flow of personnel, Wang said. (Read more)

On climate change

Even though China and the US and the European Union are in different stages of development and face different challenges, they share the same mission in coping with climate change, he said.

Wang urged enhanced communication and coordination between the three sides and that they play a leading role in the international community, he said, adding that China welcomes the US’ return to the Paris Agreement and expects that the US will shoulder its responsibility and make its due contribution, he added. (Read more)

On Iran nuclear issue

China hopes the United States will show sincerity on the Iran nuclear issue, take actions as quickly as possible, including removing unjustified unilateral sanctions and lifting the “long-arm jurisdiction” on third-party entities and individuals, Wang Yi said.

At the same time, he said, Iran should resume compliance with the Iran nuclear deal and shoulder its responsibility of nuclear non-proliferation, Wang said. (Read more)

On South China Sea

The only intention of some Western countries, including the United States, is to stir up troubles in the South China Sea in the name of so-called free navigation and undermine peace in the South China Sea and disturb regional stability, Wang said.

He called on China and ASEAN countries to continue to remove distractions and press ahead with Code of Conduct consultations and continue with the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea. (Read more)

On Myanmar tensions

Relevant parties in Myanmar should maintain calm and exercise restraint, address their differences through dialogue and consultation within the constitutional and legal framework, and continue to advance the democratic transition, Wang Yi said.

“The immediate priority is to prevent further bloodshed and conflict, and ease and cool down the situation as soon as possible,” Wang said. (Read more)

On China and Latin America

China is providing COVID-19 vaccines to 12 Latin American and Caribbean countries, Wang Yi said on Sunday.

“China and Latin American and Caribbean countries have stood alongside and supported each other in COVID-19 response and economic recovery,” he said. “Our cooperation best illustrates the saying, that ‘a bosom friend afar brings a distant land near’.” (Read more)

On objective coverage of China

China hopes to see and welcome more journalists in the mold of Edgar Snow in this new era among foreign journalists, said Wang Yi.

Wang said he hopes that foreign journalists will not apply any filter to their camera, whether one of beauty or gloomy, when reporting on China.

“Truthful, objective and fair stories will always appeal to people and can stand the scrutiny of history,” he said. “However the world changes, the media should stand by their professional ethnics.” (Read more)

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