Home China ‘U.S. campaign against China will only make Chinese people more united’

‘U.S. campaign against China will only make Chinese people more united’

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The U.S.’ pressurising campaign against China will only make Chinese people more united, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday, commenting on the results of a questionnaire gathered from over 100,000 responses on China-U.S. relations.

The questionnaire, launched by the Chinese newspaper The Global Times on Monday, is comprised of six questions mainly regarding how Chinese people view the current U.S. administration, its pressuring campaign against China and the motives behind as well as China’s countermeasures taken.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian responded at Tuesday’s regular press briefing as inquired by the The Global Times journalist, saying that the results have clearly shown that Chinese people are well aware of how the U.S. is trying to rip China-U.S. relations and create confrontation.

According to the questionnaire results shared by the newspaper reporter, 98 percent of those surveyed said that they think the U.S.’s attacking of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is an attempt to alienate Chinese people and the CPC, and 97 percent said that they support China’s countermeasures.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson then urged the U.S. side to recognize the current situation and drop the illusion that it could change China in the way that it wants.

The U.S. side should stop unreasonable interference in China’s internal affairs and suppressing China’s legitimate rights, and work with China to bring the bilateral relation back to the normal track of stability and stability, Zhao said.

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