Home China China says cross-straits unity inevitable

China says cross-straits unity inevitable

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  • Taiwan vote, Western politicians’ comments can’t cancel one-China principle, Wang Yi says


BEIJING, China – State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Monday that the one-China principle cannot be changed by local election results in Taiwan and will not be shaken by the erroneous statements and actions of Western politicians.

The rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and cross-Straits reunification is a historical inevitability, Wang said on Monday during his seven-day visit in Africa.

Any move that goes against the trend will run into a dead end, and those who divide the country will be doomed to eternal infamy, he said.

Wang said the governments of the countries he visited since arriving in Africa on Jan 7 have clearly stated that they adhere to the one-China principle and that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.

Experience shows that the one-China principle is not only the unanimous position of African countries, but has also been widely accepted by international community, he said.

Wang wrapped up his five African nation tour on Monday. The trip took him to Egypt, Djibouti, Eritrea, Burundi and Zimbabwe, and he also inspected the construction and operation of the Mombasa-Nairobi railway during a stop in Kenya.

At a news conference with Zimbabwe’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Sibusiso Moyo in Harare on Sunday, Wang said there are three reasons for Africa being the destination of all Chinese foreign ministers’ first overseas visit each year for the past 30 years.

First, he said, there are the special feelings of friendship from generation to generation and sharing in prosperity and misfortune between China and Africa. Second, it is based on the realistic needs of deepening bilateral cooperation and common development, he said, adding that China and Africa are natural partners with complementary advantages and have unlimited room for cooperation and potential. And finally, he said, there is the important mission of strengthening international cooperation and safeguarding of common interests between the two sides.

The world is becoming less peaceful, especially in recent years, as unilateralism and power politics have prevailed and the Cold War mentality has resurged, Wang said, adding that developing countries, including African nations, have suffered greatly from this.

There is an urgent need to strengthen communication and coordination between China and Africa, demonstrate the power of solidarity and speak in a unified voice in order to safeguard the legitimate rights of the Chinese and African people to oppose external interference, pursue fairness and justice, and lead a better life.

A demonstrator holds a sign in support of China during Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s stop-over after her visit to Latin America in Burlingame, California, US.

Efem N. Ubi, a senior research fellow and head of the division of International Economic Relations at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, said in an article posted online by China Global Television Network that the visits indicate that Africa occupies an utmost important position in China’s foreign policy and to a considerable extent further demonstrate that the African continent in China’s view is the equal of other continents.

The visits create an opportunity bilaterally for one-on-one communication in various areas between China and the host countries, he said.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum. Wang said at the news conference that the forum has become an important platform for dialogue and an effective mechanism for practical cooperation, and that it maintains a leading position in international cooperation with Africa.

Trade volume between China and Africa exceeded $200 billion last year, and China has become Africa’s largest trading partner for 11 years in a row, Wang said.

China’s direct investment in the continent has reached $110 billion, and more than 3,700 Chinese enterprises have invested and operated in Africa, he said.

China has built over 6,000 kilometers of railways and roads in Africa, as well as nearly 20 ports and more than 80 large power plants, all of which has promoted industrialization in Africa and enhanced its ability for independent development, he said.

Motivated by China-Africa cooperation, other foreign countries have also increased their attention to Africa, bringing more opportunities for the continent’s development, he concluded.

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